Tim LeMaster

House District 43
State Representative

Is our community better now than it was six years ago?
I retired from the Marine Corps in the summer of 2013. The character and characters of Portland captured my heart compelling me to call the City of Roses my new home.

Portland is losing its charm, fun, and “Weird” to violence, substance abuse, and homelessness. We need balance to our one-sided state government.

This is why I want your vote.

Help Us

Bring back Portland

Public safety promotes community, progress, and enjoyment of life.

Rampant substance abuse, the continued homelessness crisis, and unchecked crime plague Portland. All these issues contribute to a decaying quality in all aspects of Portland life. Oregon can adopt a detailed data driven homeless program in Houston that has been a great success. This model is similar to the Bybee Lakes New Hope Center in Portland.
A safe environment facilitates social and business activity that will allow Portland to once again grow and thrive.

All business is essential.

Oregon's COVID policy of designating what business were and were not "essential" wreaked havoc on the largest employer of people, the small businesses. The damage continues with
burdensome, arbitrary regulations and increased taxes at all levels of government creating obstacles for budding entrepreneurs and established businesses.
We need to foster a business friendly environment to facilitate individual growth and success.

Quality education breaks the cycle of social and economic inequity.

Oregon continues to have one of the worst education programs in the country despite adequate funding.
In 2021 the legislature eliminated the bar for graduating by passing SB744 removing the student requirements to demonstrate proficient reading, writing, and math skills.
Parents should have the right to make impactful decisions in their children’s education. A voucher system will provide the means to exercise this right. It gives parents the ability to choose the schooling, whether public or private, that works best for their child.
Arizona used this model for special education students and recently expanded it for all students in public school.
Wealthy families have the means to freely choose high quality education alternatives to place their kids on a path to success. As your legislator I will support middle class and lower income families having those same life-making opportunities.